[UX / UI, 2023]

Sometimes anxiousness over past doubts and uncertainties can quickly overcome the cozy romanticism and dreaming about what’s already left in the past. ‘What if, what if, what if’ - this question can become the constant soundtrack that’s on replay in our minds and that can be quite exhausting to keep up with.
        This website collects both personal stories of regretful moments, shared by our visitors, and historical evidences of things that went terribly wrong. Our mantra is “Rest in peace while you are still alive”, escape from the prison of constant overthinking and just remember that everyone makes mistakes, everyone repeat mistakes and this is how it was and how it will be forever on.

Thesis project for Elisava, Master in Editorial Design, made with Mariya Beleva (@mariya.a.a) and love ♥︎
Typography: Tartuffo by Lift Type, Xanh Mono by Yellow Type, ES Face by Extraset